Where to study

We provide the foreigners effective courses as well as a comfortable learning environment!

The Republican Institute of Vocational Education, as the National Coordinator for Quality Assurance in vocational education and training in accordance with the European Quality Assurance Indicators, offers training focused on innovative production, practical experience and the needs of companies that order the staff.

Training at the branch colleges of the Republican Institute of Vocational Education expands your opportunities, provides you the knowledge and skills to achieve your professional goals.

The completion of secondary vocational education at colleges gives you the opportunity to study at universities in Belarus on a shortened programme.

The Republican Institute of Vocational Education supervises vocational education institutions in all regions of the country and organizes training at over 50 competence centers via network education programmes.

Training focuses of the Competence CentersThe branch colleges of the Republican Institute of Vocational Education are leading colleges in vocational education and training
Automation of production processes – Industry –Mechanical engineeringThe branch «College of Modern Technologies in Mechanical and Automotive Engineering»
Training for mechanical engineering and machine tool companies. The training and production workshops are equipped with digital and cloud technology, internet, digital technology in metrology and quality control. http://www.college-ripo.by/
Modern technology in construction  The branch «IndustrialPedagogical College»
Training for industrial and civil engineering based on digital technology in the design, construction and repair of buildings, structures; robotic welding complexes with specialized software.
Vehicle operation and maintenance – Electric vehicles – «Minsk Automobile Plant-Weichai» production technologiesThe branch «Minsk State Auto Mechanical College named after academician M.S. Vysotsky»
Training for the automotive industry and organizations providing warranty and post-warranty maintenance and repair of cars, trucks and buses, including electric cars and electric buses.
Food manufacturingThe branch «Molodechno State Polytechnic College»
Training for the food industry: automation of food processing, production and storage, chemical-bacteriological control and digital technology in food production.
Road construction and road-building machinery – Surveying workThe branch «Gomel State Road Building College»
Training for road and bridge construction companies and the maintenance and repair of road construction equipment.
Renewable energy, energy saving and energy efficient construction – EcologyThe branch «EcoTechPark – Volma»
Training for companies of electrical and electronic engineering, automated control of energy systems based on renewable energy sources.
Innovative technologies in vocational educationThe Republican Institute of Vocational Education
Training of managers and teaching staff in modern methods and technologies of digital didactics at the Training and Research Centre of Professional Pedagogical Education. Training of managers, teaching staff and specialists of vocational education organizations in partner countries.

The Branch colleges under the coordination of the Republican Institute of Vocational Education:

  • carry out educational activities;
  • cooperating with sectoral councils examine the requirements for workers and professionals of different sectors of economy;
  • participate in the working out of professional standards;
  • work out draft educational standards, curricular documentation;
  • promote teachers’ authorship of innovative methodological developments, training manuals, educational literature;
  • ensure the transfer of innovative pedagogical technologies into educational activity of specialized educational institutions;
  • interact with specialized educational institutions and companies that order the staff;
  • are a training ground for the World Skills Championships team.

Our experienced team of teachers and experts successfully implement innovative learning strategies for:

  • workers and professionals of different sectors of economy;
  • individuals and legal entities;
  • foreign citizens.